Coming Soon! The Heart Health Formula.
A blueprint for Understanding, Defining and Reducing your risk of heart disease.
Last year, I asked whether you would be interested in a course that would help you prevent heart disease.
The overwhelming response was yes.
It has taken a LONG time, but it is almost here.
The course is a product of over a decade's worth of research on the best approaches to preventing heart disease, with the biggest emphasis being on lifestyle measures.
I have learned over the last ten years that MANY of the things you need to do to fully:
Understand heart disease.
Define your risk of heart disease.
Reduce your risk of heart disease.
Are not being done by most doctors.
I was one of those doctors.
But I have learned there is a better way to address all of these issues.
And I hope that the content I produce here every week highlights that.
This is the model of care I try to provide to all of my patients that I look after.
But even in my own practice, time is limited, and I do not get the opportunity to explain things to the extent they deserve.
Additionally, I can only work with a limited number of patients in a specific geographical location.
I want to transfer my knowledge TO YOU.
So, YOU can use that knowledge to work with your own doctor to reduce your risk of heart disease.
Wherever you are.
This is where The Heart Health Formula comes in.
The Heart Health Formula is a video course covering everything you need to know about how to prevent heart disease.
What causes heart disease.
What tests you need to do.
Testing for insulin resistance.
Advanced cholesterol testing.
Fitness testing for Cardiovascular risk assessment.
Using cardiac imaging tests to define risk.
Best practices for reducing LIFETIME Cardiovascular risk.
And more.
This is everything I wish I had access to 10 years ago.
In my experience, most people are:
Frustrated with the current healthcare approach of being reactive to heart disease rather than focusing on prevention.
Feel doctor’s appointments are too short to answer all their questions.
Feel advanced testing of lipids and heart scans are not done when they often should be.
Frustrated that ‘Lifestyle’ advice is too vague, and they are given no way to track progress over time.
Feel worried that they are not doing the right thing.
I hear these frustrations every day.
This is why I created The Heart Health Formula.
To solve this problem.
This is your opportunity to get access to all that information so you can use the best approaches to properly define and reduce your risk of heart disease.
To extend your lifespan but, more importantly, improve your health span.
So when will The Heart Health formula be available?
But you will receive an update here the week it becomes available.
I will likely only make it available for a short period in order to get feedback and then consider making it available again later in the year.
The images below are screenshots of some of the content I will cover.
I will be explaining everything you need to know.
So keep an eye out in March.
I hope to see you on the inside.
More details to follow.
Have a good weekend.
What Is Inside?
Understanding Insulin Resistance & Metabolic Syndrome.
Thinking About Cardiovascular Risk in terms of odds.
Understanding Advanced Lipid Testing.
Appreciating The Differential and Combinational Impact Of Risk Factors.
Evaluating The Benefit Of Reducing Cardiovascular Risk AND Other Major Diseases, Including Cancer and Dementia.
Hi Paddy
Sounds great. Is the video available to all? Is there a subscription fee?
Looking forward!!
Sounds great Paddy.
The usual questions:
How long will the course take to complete and what is the cost?