Excellent article. I'm reading you from Italy. Rarely does a cardiologist specify precisely what physical activity means.

I would go further. What is your HR max? You need to walk fast until your average heart rate at the end of your fast walk is at least above 70% of your max. While when you run at least above 75%.

You did well to clarify some things about intensity!

If people think they are doing physical activity by pushing the shopping cart at the mall for 15 minutes they are wrong.

That's not exercise.

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I think there is a role for all zones but we always need to mindful of how much we are doing of each and what our objectives are. Gotta have a target.

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Great article Dr. Barrett. An important reminder of the power of exercise. The pleiotropic effects of physical activity make it the biggest bang (the most benefit) for buck (resources invested) to curtail this and other cardiometabolic conditions. Exercise should form the bedrock, the base layer of the treatment pyramid.

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Paddy, another point worth reinforcing is that your article actually emphasises the MINIMUM [AT LEAST 150 Minutes/Week] recommended activity level. Well done because you are the first doctor/specialist I have seen do this in a very long time. Of course this should raise another question - If this is the MINIMUM what is the OPTIMUM recommended level? This is especially relevant for those who need to take action.

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I LOVE that you are showing that a reduction in blood pressure from lifestyle is probably better than a reduction in blood pressure from meds. My experience tells me that this is true. I've also seen the downside of meds and what they can do to men in particular. It can be nasty business, but I have seen many men reduce their blood pressure through lifestyle changes instead, so I know it can be done.


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Very interesting article Paddy. What I find especially interesting is not that a lifestyle approach is the solution; many people already know this but even those who need to take the appropriate action find it very hard to do so.

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