Very interesting. What's their lifespan though ? And what is their typical cause of mortality?

I read from wikipedia, "The average Tsimané woman has nine children in her lifetime. A study of 983 Tsimané women found that 70% were infected with the parasitic roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides, which is believed to have increased their fertility rate by suppressing their immune system, leading to two additional children over the course of a lifetime.[15]"

Sounds crazy, I wonder if the parasitic worm has some effect on their general health

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That is why I dont fully endorse that we adopt their entire lifestyle approach. Not exactly ideal. Their lifespan data is tricky as their average lifespan is 53. However, this is significantly impacted by an excess of early infant mortality as would be the case in many tribal societies so 'mean' or 'average' lifespan data is unreliable.

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Hadn't heard of this tribe, (the Hudza get all the attention). Given the reported high carb intake relative to current thinking, is the conclusion that you could eat what you want provided you exercise enough (that didn't work for me..but then it wasn't 5-7 hrs of exercise!)

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Carbs are not bad. Carbs are bad when you cannot dispose of them properly and you exceed your energy requirements for them on a daily basis. They are simply fuel and for someone who is efficient at using them they are not an issue. However. If you are not efficient at using them or not expending significant amounts of energy then you can run into problems.

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Great article and reflection! Do we know something about their stress levels, their relationships and their spiritual life? One the main root cause for atherome plaque is chronic low grade inflammation triggered by constant high cortisol levels, lack of adequate light exposure and a life devoid of spiritual meaning. Maybe we have to look inside and not so much outside...

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