I fully agree with those seven targets! But, but I reckon by the age of fifty the majority of us will have insulin resistance which is a huge pervading factor that most people do not understand including some doctors. Put metabolic syndrome into the equation as well. I have a fatty liver, my doctor in his ultimate wisdom says oh everyone has that!

Those targets need to be put into action in the curriculum of schools otherwise there is little hope for all of us with this toxic western lifestyle. As you say life has to end sometime, it is your heart that probably plays the greatest role in this!

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Paddy: Your list of ways to reduce the risk of heart disease is based entirely on the clinical strategy, yet research over the past 30 or more years has shown that environmental triggers - air pollution, lead, cadmium, secondhand smoke - are major risk factors for heart disease. Focusing on individual risk factors is obviously important, but physicians need to advocate for reductions in environmental risk factors that contribute as much as 20% of deaths globally. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(22)00090-0/fulltext

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I read your book avidly by the way!

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