I really like the free content you deliver. I considered buying The Heart Health Formula as it would be helpful to have a defined program to follow. However, there was no option to spread smaller payments over a longer period and I cannot justify the price alongside my other monthly expenses currently. I don't think it's overpriced or too long, I can see how much work you put into it. But the option to buy modules might help. I plan to buy your book in May.

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Thanks Lisanne - Really appreciate the feedback. Book is out early May. Hopefully you find it valuable. Thanks again. Paddy

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I really like you free content you send out. I notice how much you want to help people. I can see how much work you put into your health formula but I cant justify paying the price as I’m already seeing a cardiologist and working towards improving my health via diet, exercise and statins. I have pre ordered your book and would consider the formula in 12 months time if my cholesterol has not significantly improved by then. Thanks

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Thanks Gary - I am glad you are finding value in the content and it seems like you are under good guidance already. Thanks again. Paddy

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I love reading your articles. I plan to buy your book. But i am not sure what is that your book does not cover that you offer only in the video. It would have been great if you waited for a few months after your book launch, get feedback from your readers and then launch the video. It is confusing to see video and book launches around the same time. Thank you for your awesome work!

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Thanks Srikanth - Your feedback on the difference between the book and course etc has come up a few time so something I will definitely expand on. The biggest difference is depth. The book format only allows for limited discussion of topics and the course is much more comprehensive with a bigger discussion of the relevant scientific data.

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Thanks. Please let me know if either your book or video course will help answer my question and I will buy just for that: - I take atorvastin 10mg which helps keep my apoB around 70 and TG around 109, and a TC 134. However, it has a side effect of increasing my hb1ac to pre-diabetic range. I am looking to lower my atorvastin dosage to 5mg to manage both my lipids and reduce the side effects to hba1c. There are a number of clinical trials that support my experience so I understand i am not alone. What's your advice to such patients? A different statin? Or a different med that mimics statin? Thanks for all the wonderful work you do. Appreciate it

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Hi Srikanth - I cant give individual medical advice here but the situation you outline is described in the literature. I dont think you need to buy any course to address that issue. I would start here for a general overview (https://paddybarrett.substack.com/p/do-statins-cause-diabetes ) but I think a good conversation with your primary care doc or cardiologist should give you some options. Lots of ways to solve this. Paddy

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Many thanks to you for the fantastic content which should be standard consumption for everyone interested in living a healthy life for as long as possible. I ordered your book today and look forward to reading and learning more

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Thank you Derry. I hope you enjoy it and it serves you well. Paddy

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I love your newsletter and regular social media posts and really appreciate all the hard work you put into it and distribute for free. Currently wading through an overflow of information from yourself, Dr. Peter Attia, Dr. Thomas Dayspring, Dr. Eric Topol and a myriad of others. So, right now I think some some facetime with my cardiologist would be where I should be spending my money. Will definitely buy your book and look to the HH program in the future.

Thank you and keep up the great work.

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Sounds like you are on the right track. Hope you enjoy the book. Paddy

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Hi Paddy,

As I have said previously, love your content and have learned and used quite a bit of it. Not sure if you are a "student" of the school of Dan Kennedy direct marketing (it seems so), but as much as I enjoy the content, I also enjoy watching your marketing in action, content structure and design an monetization approaches.

I don't mind paying for valuable content (and yours in valuable), but I thought the course was too big of a jump/commitment from the free material. Or I didn't understand the incremental value quite enough. Will be taking a look into the upcoming book.

Keep up the good work!

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Really appreciate the feedback. I am not aware of Dan Kennedy. Your point about the incremental value has come up a few times so I do need to work on making that clearer. Enjoy the book. Thanks again. Paddy

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I like your scientific explanations of heart disease, lots of details, and the importance of exercise in preventing the disease, however I don’t know the importance of a good diet and what a good health diet consists of eating or avoiding? Traditionally it was avoiding saturated fats, that simple advice appears to have changed or perhaps is not as important?

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Appreciate the feedback. Diet is the most contentious of all the topics covered in this area. The quantity and quality of your diet matter. But in my view Quantity matters more. Here are my views: https://paddybarrett.substack.com/p/what-to-eat-to-lose-weight-and-maintain

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Dear Paddy I find your weekly emails really valuable. As a regular cyclist I have taken to heart your advice on zone1 training. I didn't consider purchasing your Formula as you already freely provide such information. Also I'm not sure the range of blood tests required is available from my GP. Hopefully you will keep doing the weekly emails.

Thanks so much.

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Thanks Anthony - Great you are dialing in your Zone 1 work. I am glad you enjoy the newsletter and find it valuable. The tests can be tricky but are possible to do. Paddy

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Your content is great and a good motivation to continue what I am doing to mitigate the risks of heart and dementia diesese ( heart and alzheimers runs in the family) . I have ordered your book but considering I live in New Zealand our dollar is not great on the exchange rate which makes purchasing overseas rather expensive. Will study the book and decide whether a cheaper version of the heart program will be better if available.

Thanks for the hard work and extra hours that obviously goes into producing the newsletter

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Thanks Alan - Quite a few NZ subs which is amazing. Lots of great content in the newsletter to action so hopefully you find that of value. Appreciate the feedback. Paddy

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Hello Paddy,

I first heard you on the radio months ago( I know you were on this week also) questioning why we want to live a long life and what would we do with the extra time. As a woman in my early 60's who has watched both parents live into their 90's , it is something I've often considered but rarely heard spoken about. So well done on your fresh approach to the matter of ageing.

I'm not sure I want to live too long: real old age seems very tough from what I've observed. But I don't want to go too soon either which is why I've subscribed your emails, despite feeling overwhelmed by being bombarded all the time with messages about staying healthy into old age (or maybe it's just that I'm very impressionable). But your sincere efforts to inform us about how to do this are greatly appreciated. Like some of the other contributors, I find the graphs hard to understand and some of the medical jargon slightly off-putting but that may be because I have a lazy brain!

I'd love more information on how we could access the tests and scans you recommend. I would feel awkward about going into my GP and quoting you. And I notice there is a general reluctance to carry out more detailed blood tests than routine ones-maybe because the hospital labs are overloaded?

I have absolutely no medical training or knowledge but I always think that when it comes to health , there is the X factor that no human has ever managed to discover and that our emotions and temperaments have a huge influence on our bodies. In fact I believe they are inseparable. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't help ourselves in making lifestyle changes. Just in moderation and keeping an awareness of this in mind. But most of your advice is sensible and apologies for rambling on.

I am very grateful that you give us, ordinary non-medical people, the benefit of your wisdom. And that you don't patronize us.

Re your course: I understand what you say about spending money on what's important but it was too much money for me to risk spending without enough information. I wasn't sure enough of what it entailed. But I wish you the very best with it and I will certainly buy your book. Out of gratitude if nothing else. Thank you again and sorry if I've been too honest but I'm old enough to recognise the value of telling the truth as much as possible in a respectful way!

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Thank you HB. The more feedback the better. The content is advanced and some people do struggle with it but I think it can be worth it to put in the work. Best of luck with everything and I hope you enjoy the book. Paddy

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Hi Paddy, and thank you for your regular info.

As a constructive comment, I sometimes find the metrics hard to grasp, but I get the overall picture. I’ve also done a heart health course, and it too has been very helpful. I appreciate your efforts of keeping people healthy.

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Thanks Gaye - I appreciate the feedback and the fact the data can be a little complex from time to time. I try make it as digestible as possible but it can be difficult at times. Thanks again. Paddy

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LOVE your content. I was going to buy the formula and totally forgot. Why was it only available “for a limited time?” I just simply forgot with all that’s going on in my life over here. Would absolutely buy it. Thank you!!

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Thanks Jason - The limited time was so I could get feedback from users and then iterate on the product. There are likely to be many gaps that I didn't see and hopefully with feedback I can close these gaps. It should be available again in the future. Paddy

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Awesome! I should’ve set an iCal reminder to buy it then. Argh! I’ll remind myself better next time. Thankfully I take my statin daily! Haha! apoB + TRIGs are nice and low! :)

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I'm really thankful and very appreciative of all your informative health info, however, I do not wish to commit to purchasing your book.

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Thanks Mary - Just glad to have you as a reader. Paddy

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Really like your content. As a recently retired GP I think the impact of your work is enormous.

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Thanks Peter. I appreciate the feedback and I hope you find it if value for yourself. Enjoy retirement. Paddy

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Thank you for taking the time to send this very informative free content each week. It is always very interesting to read, with great insight coming from a Cardiologist. I do intend to buy your book in the coming months. Thanks.

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Thanks Michael - I appreciate the feedback and I do hope you enjoy the book which should be out in early May. Paddy

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As a healthcare professional I’m barely managing on our meagre wage. I applaud your knowledge, clinical expertise & altruism, and am so grateful for your free content. I will buy your book & engage with your modules when financial circumstances permit. In gratitude, 🙏🏼

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Thanks Kathryne - I appreciate the feedback. I hope you enjoy the book. Keep up the good work. Paddy

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