I definitely needed to read this today! I’m coming out the other side of breast cancer and whereas I’m full of gratitude for an early diagnosis and great care I feel stuck in a place of fear and worry. I’m afraid to put it behind me and move on with my life. Very strange I know! Your wise words will definitely help me to move forward- thank you.

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So many people have said this: there is only now. You’re never ready to start, but you won’t be ready until you start.

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All true!

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans” (apparently said originally by Allen Saunders, not J Lennon).

I like this too: "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." (GB Shaw)

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Nice post, and timely too. I was attacked by a shark 3 weeks ago doing what I love, fly fishing in the flats of the Bahamas. I got my stitches out 5 days ago, put a Tegaderm patch on my healing wound on my leg and was back out there today! Granted, I spent a considerable amount of time looking over my shoulder. My motto: live like this is the last day of your life.

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Talk about a rare event. Or maybe not when you are in the Bahamas!

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A lot of those retirement bucket lists cost money, lots of it. Counting on stable markets for 20 or 30 years is just a big risk.

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Great points. A call to action

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