Great story, thanks. And a super headline, well done. I'm a month short of 71, so naturally this is an ever more interesting topic here.

Perhaps it's helpful to keep in mind that there is no proof that life is better than death. It's a common and reasonable assumption that life is better than death, and it may indeed be true. But nobody knows, as there is no proof of any theory on the subject. The regrets many experience would seem to be based on this unproven theory that this life is all there is.

It's at least possible that our human lives exist in some larger context which we are not equipped to understand. As example, imagine trying to explain the Internet to your dog. As hard as he might try, your dog just doesn't have the equipment needed to grasp that level of abstraction. It might be like that for us too.

If there was proof of some theory about death, we would have to accept that truth. But there is no proof, of anything. And so we are free to design whatever story helps us get through this life. I don't know what story anyone else should write for themselves, but why not try to make it a happy story?

For myself, I take comfort from the many reports of near death experiences. They don't prove anything either, but I think I'll place my bet on that, as it's a pretty darn good story.

To the best of our highly imperfect human ability, let's try not to regret our life, or our death either.

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It's the endless search for immortality. My thoughts here: https://paddybarrett.substack.com/p/the-search-for-immortality

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Dr Paddy Barrett

Interesting how the message frequently comes late, but it's always "on-time"!

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Very true

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Dr Paddy Barrett

It's so true. But then there is the other side of the coin. Those who never get to do the things they want. Those who are beaten down early in life. Or trapped by situations be it family, mental health issues or other stuff for example. But it is a timely reminder that every day is a gift, and we should try to treat each day with gratitude. That is my take.

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Dr Paddy Barrett

Such a true story.

Never wait

Do everything. Neve

R wait for a right time.

Very inspiring. Many people

Have those regrets

Life changing story

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Thanks Kay - Now is always the time to act indeed.

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Dr Paddy Barrett

so true.

Good read -thanks

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Glad you liked it.

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Dr Paddy Barrett

Holy cow, this is a great article. Thank you for writing it.

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Very welcome - glad you found it of value.

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Dr Paddy Barrett

Great reminder article . The themes in the last third of life for many of us is regret and remorse .

It springs from not paying attention ! Suddenly time's tide has gone out and we end up stranded on the beach of illness and disability .

This is a helpful wake up call to avoid us sleep sailing in our health boat and being beached and stranded and finding it is too late to be re-launched into wellbeing .

Thank you .

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Thanks Mark - As the saying goes "The problem is, you think you have time".

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