I take creatine and as a postmenopausal woman I take vitamin D to support bone health.

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I so appreciate this thorough review. I am curious what you think an optimal protein intake for older folks to avoid sarcopenia, either with or without resistance training. So many conflicting opinions out there!

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Thanks for this piece, creatine definitely an interesting topic.

I read through this UK report which rejected a health claim for cognitive benefits at the 3g level: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uknhcc-scientific-opinion-creatine-supplementation-and-improved-cognitive-function/uknhcc-scientific-opinion-creatine-supplementation-and-improved-cognitive-function#conclusions

Is your read that probably a higher dose is required?

Or, creatine seems like it *could* help, and *perhaps* at higher doses to see effects, and it's largely safe, so worth consideration?

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Simon Hill made a good video on this a while back https://youtu.be/AJKr7WPbwac?si=4Y74A_1eq-dK1sVT. It appears to be higher doses.

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Many thanks for this information, really appreciate it.

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