Why would you want to lower LDL in general when it is oxidised LDL that is partly responsible for arterial endothelial damage?Surely decreasing the underlying mechanism for ‘damaging’ LDL is a more effective strategy ie reducing mitochondrial dysfunction by decreasing insulin resistance ie adopting a LCHF or ketogenic diet.

And is the intimal damage not secondary to factors that damage the endothelial glycocalyx ie diet and shear factors within arteries resulting in damage/repair cycles hence the layered appearance of atheromatous plaques?Surely if it was a ‘cholesterol’ problem veins too would have atheromatous plaques?

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My ApoB is in good shape based on substracting HDL-C from total LDL, but not my Lp(a), which my doc tested for recently. Does Lp(a) significantly increase risk independent of ApoB? The European Atherosclerosis Society identified Lp(a) it as a significant risk factor and I've been seeing lots of info about clinical studies for drugs seeking to reduce Lp(a).

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