I read your post here just as I’m on the closing pages of psychoanalyst Marion Milner’s v insightful book, ‘A Life of One’s Own’, which links v closely with what you’ve posted here. I have so much underlined and highlighted in my copy, first published in the 1930s.

I will share just one here, she found as a result of writing down her experiences, ‘my interest gradually shifting from what to do with my life to how to look at it’.

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A reminder that there are no new ideas here. Just new ways of looking at the same ones we have been exploring for millennia.

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Don’t be fooled by Bertrand Russell’s empty materialist philosophy that: “Only within the scaffolding of these truths, only on the firm foundation of unyielding despair, can the soul’s habitation henceforth be safely built.”

More rational are:

“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you.”

Werner Karl Heisenberg 1901-1976


“For they are not the thing itself; they are only the scent of a flower we have not found, the echo of a tune we have not heard, news from a country we have never visited. For Lewis, who was religious, this notion of “the thing itself” — the ultimate object of longing — was anchored in his understanding of God.”

C S Lewis 1899-1963

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As I said in the piece, there is still always space for the numinous and so much of the world is still a mystery.

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An interesting and thought provoking piece. Thank you.

Personally, I have found ‘The Four Agreements’ to have been an enormous help in promoting my ‘Soul Span’.

From a book on ancient Toltec wisdom written by Don Miguel Ruiz (another medical doctor) the Four Agreements are:

- Be Impeccable With Your Word,

- Don’t Take Anything Personally,

- Don’t Make Assumptions, and

- Always Do Your Best.

Difficult to adhere to, but enormously helpful if you try.

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I read it many moons ago. Some good principles to live by.

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Beautifully thought through and written. Thank you Dr Barrett.

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I appreciate the and value the terminology of "soulspan." We are so busy optimizing our sleep, exercise, friendships and nutrition and can lose sight of how we soulfully live each day. Thanks for these important reminders.

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Glad you found it useful.

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This piece speaks to my experience. Thank you for putting it into words. On reflection, my Soul Span turned out to be the ground on which I repurposed my life, and it has made all the difference.

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Great you found it helpful.

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A really thought provoking piece, and makes so much sense on reading. Thank you. The battle and the war is the consistent doing of what is needed for our health, life and soul

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Sometimes the 'Doing' just needs 'Done'. We have to be mindful of the battle on all fronts.

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Love this article thank you 🥰

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I love this !

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Well said. Reminds me of the meditations on the Waking Up app. Along with honesty, I’d also put in a plug for Courage as a fundamental value.

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Thanks David. I think re the values the key is to find the ones you hold as the highest representation of who you are and then live them out. It is when we live out the values of others, particularly extrinsic ones when we run into issues.

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I realize this has been posted a while. I keep rare meaningful pieces in my inbox for quick reference as needed. I suspect this will likely never be deleted and often an uplifting daily guide post for me. Nothing special about my inbox but on balance when comparing this to most incoming content consider this the highest praise. Thanks

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I am glad you found it useful. To be honest, the real reason I write these articles is to remind myself. We are all just trying to figure it out.

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